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  • David Anderson's avatar
    - client emulator: parse <max_concurrent> in <app> in client_state.xml. · 330a2589
    David Anderson authored
        This gives you a way to simulate the effects of app_config.xml
    - client: piggyback requests for resources even if we're backed off from them
    - client: change resource backoff logic
        Old: if we requested work and didn't get any,
            back off from resources for which we requested work
        New: for each resource type T:
            if we requested work for T and didn't get any, back off from T
            Also, don't back off if we're already backed off
                (i.e. if this is a piggyback request)
            Also, only back off if the RPC was due to an automatic
                and potentially rapid source
                (namely: work fetch, result report, trickle up)
    - client: fix small work fetch bug