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  • David Anderson's avatar
    - client/scheduler: standardize the FLOPS estimate between NVIDIA and ATI. · fe2a18f2
    David Anderson authored
        Make them both peak FLOPS,
        according to the formula supplied by the manufacturer.
        The impact on the client is minor:
        - the startup message describing the GPU
        - the weight of the resource type in computing long-term debt
        On the server, I changed the example app_plan() function
        to assume that app FLOPS is 20% of peak FLOPS
        (that's about what it is for SETI@home)
    svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=19310
    - client/scheduler: standardize the FLOPS estimate between NVIDIA and ATI.
    David Anderson authored
        Make them both peak FLOPS,
        according to the formula supplied by the manufacturer.
        The impact on the client is minor:
        - the startup message describing the GPU
        - the weight of the resource type in computing long-term debt
        On the server, I changed the example app_plan() function
        to assume that app FLOPS is 20% of peak FLOPS
        (that's about what it is for SETI@home)
    svn path=/trunk/boinc/; revision=19310